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Results of [Keyword Search:Faculty of Economics]
21 - 39 out of 39 results

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Faculty Position Name Research Field Research Group
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Lecturer KOGURE Mina marketing Consumer Psychology
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Manager(Dean),Professor MIZUMURA Norihiro
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor NAKAGAWA Shinobu Japanese Economy
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor MIYAZAKI Masato
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor SHI JIN サプライ・チェーン・マネジメント,国際化戦略,グローバリゼーション,小売国際化
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor SAITO Tomoyuki
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor ARUGA Kentaka Environmental and natural resource economics, Energy economics Environmental economics,resource economics,agricultural economics,energy economics,market integration,environmental consciousness
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor SUEMATSU Eiichiro
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor PARK Youngwon
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor YANAGISAWA Tetsuya
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor ASADA HIDEKATSU Japanese economy, Asian economy, Economic policy and Development economics
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor OISHI Naoki
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor YUKI Tsuyoshi
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor KANAI Kaoru
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences/ Professor OSADA Takeshi Banking, Monetary Economics, Financial Econmoics
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor UCHIDA Naomi
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor KITTILAKSANAWONG Wiboon Global Business and Strategy, Business Strategies in Emerging Markets, and International Entrepreneurship
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor BOLT Timothy Barry Health Economics, Discrete Choice Experiments, Stated Preference Valuation Methods
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor KATO Keita

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